About Us

We inform, help and support the bonsai creative community

The North Florida Bonsai Club is dedicated to progressing the art of bonsai in Jacksonville Florida and the surrounding area. Our purpose is to encourage activities that advance the skills of our membership.

Unfortunately the detailed origins of the NFBC have been lost to history. Like many clubs, we formed to allow like-minded artists to share ideas and learn. The club has been built based upon the many talented members who came before us. We are thankful for all we have been taught and hope to continue progressing the art of bonsai in their memory.

Meeting Location

The NFBC meets monthly at the Mandarin Garden Club at 2892 Loretto Road Jacksonville, Fl 32223.  Meetings are on the second Monday of each month at 7pm.

Club Officers

Become a member

Everyone is welcome to attend our monthly meetings as a guest. Once you are comfortable and want to be more involved please speak with one of the club officers to join.

Membership is $36 per year for an individual or family.

Member benefits include

  • Quarterly e-newsletter from the Bonsai Societies of Florida
  • Monthly NFBC e-newsletter
  • Priority signup for workshops and events
  • Voting rights in club matters
  • Access to the club library

Our Sponsors

We would like to thank our sponsors:

  • Florida Bonsai Nursery & Supply
  • Sunway Landscape Services

Visit the Sponsors page for more details!